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Leslie Indigo Alison

Go on a Spiritual Journey
with Leslie as your Guide

Possibilities for exploring...
* Map out a shift in your life on an art canvas
* Explore solutions to a difficult life challenge
* Discuss a business idea  or passion project
* Sit with a cup of tea & talk through an important
area of exploration in your life
Life is a Spiritual Journey Deep Dive
$600 for 4 One Hour Sessions & 2 Weekly Check Points

This package has 4 successive appointments within one month, and 2 Weekly Check Points
to allow time for a deeper dive into a project or explorations. 

There is an simple application to fill out before the first appointment to identify key focus for the
4 hours of exploring together.

Each one hour exploration that integrates guided meditation, mind mapping,
and creative exploration challenges to help you navigate forward in Divine alignment.
There is an simple application to fill out before the appointment to identify key focus for the hour
Spiritual Journey Session.
1 on 1  "Spiritual Journey" Sessions with Leslie
One Hour Spiritual Journey Session
$150 for 1 hour Session

Would you like to have a cup of tea either in person or digitally and dive into something important in your life?
A Spiritual Journey Session
with Leslie is a one hour exploration that integrates guided meditation, mind mapping, and creative exploration challenges to help you navigate forward in Divine alignment.
There is an simple application to fill out before the appointment to identify key focus for the hour
Spiritual Journey Session.
Details of 1 on 1  Meetings with Leslie


Clicking on the calendar link allows you to schedule a 1 on 1 appointment with Leslie.  You may either meet in person at The Divine Life Playhouse, or meet online via Skype, Facetime, or Zoom.  You will need to supply an email, telephone number and/or a Skype ID when you book your appointment. 


All appointments are made in your own timezone which is calculated from the computer or device you are using to book. Please check the timezone before you schedule.


Cancellation Policy: We will always try and work with any surprise changes in your schedule, and find a new appointment time for you,  however, we ask for 5 days' notice if you wish to reschedule or cancel your appointment.  If a cancellation is made less than 5 days before your session, a 50% charge will be made to your card.  Please contact Leslie's assistant at to discuss changes. 

 1 on 1  Spiritual Journey Sessions fill up quickly
Leslie only books appointments  8 weeks in advance and sometimes the schedule fills up quickly.  If you are unable to secure a spot, please email  to be added to the waiting list
or to book further out on the calendar.  
I’m feeling a whole lotta love today.  #
Anchor - Book Appointment

Spiritual Journey Sessions

Here for You * Here for Love 

I hope the resources you find here spark your creative life force energy, and fan the flames of your own inner fire.  


You are surely here by divine appointment! 
Enjoy the offerings and know that at a soul level, I see you and honor you showing up to the INVITATION of living this journey of life. 


I have dedicated my energy to create the spaces, experiences, community building activities, and online materials  that I hope will support many.  We are truly all in it together.  The highs... the lows... the WHOLE story.

I invite you to join this circle of community and be a part of the change the world needs at this unique time in history.  It starts with me.  It starts with you.  We are in this together.   We are all so connected. 


We came here to channel love and divine life force onto the planet.   We can here to enjoy the Pure Pleasures of being fully alive.  I believe we came here to experience the *Full Spectrum* of being human and raise the vibration together. 


I see you. I hear you. I am inspired by you.
I hope my creative expression is also a gift to you.



This is for


Love you All!
My Story & Passions in Life

I am a Creative Lifestyle Artist.

I am here to find the simplest pleasures of living and share them with those I love.  My life is my art project.  Living is my body of work.


I am a wild lover of life with a deep well of curiosity in life. 

I am passionate about taking care of each other and this planet.  Inspiring awakening and presence... Living with my heart dedicated to love...
Growing my own food in the garden. Digging in dirt. 


Though I love to travel and explore inner and outer landscapes on my
Spiritual Journeys
, my favorite place on the planet is wherever I have dropped my roots to create my Divine Life at HOME

I'm all about connecting to my own true essence, the truth in others, and experiencing the knowing that we are all ONE. 

We are in this together.  Let's take care of one another.  We are all so connected. #circleculture #ONElove


I am excited by life, and sometimes find myself DOing too much. 
I consciously dial it back into more BEing.
It's a moment by moment practice for sure!  When I slow it down and have a fun day, I call it my #FREEtimepractice


My friends know they just have to turn on the music and I will dance. They would say I'm the first to put together a gathering last minute and invite everyone to my dinner table. I love bringing people together for quality connection. I love having Garden Parties in the backyard of The Divine Life Playhouse #livingroomdancechurch #livingforthemusic



Schedule 1 on 1  Meetings
with Leslie

Information on Spiritual Journey appointments below.

East Nashville   |   California   |   Traveling


I am often found reading (or listening to) a good book, walking in the park, listening to chant music and singing my prayers or shaking it out with rock pop trance goodness that moves my body in happy ways I just can't resist ;) I like to dance freestyle.   #morningmediation #lifelongschool #indigoheartbeat

I like to drink tea on the porch with friends and get out in nature.  I also like camping and traveling away for long weekends.   Meeting sweet people and having heart connecting conversations is one of my sweetest pleasures of life. #purepleasure

I love to make vegan food.  That is my primary diet.  Picnics are also kind of my bliss ;)   I cook food with great love in the Divine Life Kitchen.  I share it with my community in mason jars.  #divinelifekitchen


I am a curious one... an air sign that loves to turn concepts around in my mind.  I love learning about aspects of life that I haven't been fully exposed to yet... there is so much to learn.  And yet, the more I learn the more I see how it is all so connected and I will never figure it all out and don't have to.  It's just fun to explore together!


I am here to live Love! 
Here to serve Love,

Leslie 'Indi ' 



Leslie Indigo Alison


© Copyright 2000 - 2020 Kastle Key & The Divine Life Playhouse * Leslie Indigo Alison * Indigo Heartbeat

Kastle Key

Broadcasting Love
    & Inspiration



Connect Globally from Anywhere around the World


​​     Global Invitations









The Divine Life Playhouse

Urban Day Retreat Center


Locally in East Nashville,  TN


By Reservation
& Appointment Only


     Community Dinners


     Community Garden


     Community Meditation
                & Music



Lesile Indigo Alison


Divine Life Kitchen

Divine Life at Home


Life is a Spiritual Journey



Divine Sensuality


Spiritual Journey Guidebooks


Online Circles


Material Treasures







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